The Faculty of Law, University of Bosowa invites you to attend the International Seminar on the title: “A Legal Comparison on Halal Products Across Countries”, which will be held on:
Date: Wednesday/ July 7th 2021
Time: 09.00 WITA
Meeting ID: 922 1087 5676
Passcode: unibos
I. Dr. H. Mastuki HS, M.Ag. (Acting Head of the Halal Product Guarantor Agency (BPJPH) Ministry of Religious Affairs Republic of Indonesia
II. Dr. Hj. Amrah Kasim, Lc., MA (Alumnus of Al-Azhar University, Cairo, Egypt and Head of Study Program Doctoral Dirasat Islamiyah UIN Alauddin Makassar)
III. Yuji Mizuno, MA. (Halal Researcher, IDE-JETRO, Japan)